This morning I got to work earlier than usual, thanks to an early meeting and the desire to trash a co-worker’s cube for her birthday. Finished the cube trashing and ran downstairs for a cup of coffee before my meeting. (which was later postponed, due to a VERY late arriving fellow attendee-aaarrgghhh!)
Usually, I don’t hit the cafĂ© for coffee ‘til later in the week, so today I was struck by the fact that the coffee urns and their stands looked so sparkly and perky. By Thursday, they are usually spotted and covered in coffee drips. (Don’t get me started on my worries about what that means about the insides!) Anyway, I got to thinking…my Monday face is usually that way, too…if not well-rested, at least fresh-faced and ready to tackle the week. I’m usually more organized on Monday mornings, having laid out the clothes and lunches and paperwork the night before. I even aim for sparkle--miss it quite frequently, too! But hey, I try!
But by Thursday, I’m pretty droopy and VERY ready for the weekend.
I’m going to challenge myself this week to try to maintain my Monday sparkle. Now, I admit it’ll be easier this week, since vacation starts on Thursday, but I think I can do it.
What’s your challenge this week?